
i like to be a woman

This Louis Vuitton Fall-Winter 2010/11 collection has meant much more than I thought. The pictures of the fashion show made me realize how much I could love fashion. It was the beginning of last August in Woman magazine offices when Noelia, the fashion editor, ask me to take a look to one of the huge books she was usually with. PARIS 2010/11 was in the front. Heaps of pictures from all the the fashion shows from the main designers collections were inside. That's like gold, I thought. And I was not that wrong. I learnt how fashion can simply become art in the right environment. I learnt names, designers, tissues, styles, patterns... And there was one I felt specially in love, and I can swear it was not yet on the magazines! The one who remind me the fifties and the tv serie who my parents recommended me to watch - and that would be mentioned by all the fashionistas in few time -, the gorgeous Mad Men. The dresses, the outfits that enhace incredibly the waist, the magnificient hairdo that made the woman even sexiest and respectful... - the last two pictures are from Prada same collection, where I admire the socks and beautiful toe shoes combination -. And that's what I most admire, how the respect and the voice of the woman that began to be louder at the same time that sexier than ever are identified in these designs.

Thanks Woman to let me know what it is a glossy, what it is fashion, thanks Noelia and also Marga (I'll make another post about she!) and in some way thanks to all women that achieved the rights and the freedom that we can enjoy today.Thanks, thanks, thanks.

And of course, thanks to them!




  1. Me muero de envidia!! Sana claro! El estilo Lady de los 50 me encanta. El vestido de la 4ª fotografía lo he visto en alguna alfombra roja y me parece precioso.
    Gracias por la entrada, me ha encantado.

  2. ...Molt guai l'article i molt guai la selecció de fotos !!!!

    ...La década del gust, per sort ja la tenim aquí i la podem disfrutar.
    Gràcies a Mad Men i altres dissenyadors que han volgut que retorni una estètica tant rica i femenina.

    Ara ens toca saber-la disfruta !!!!

